The Latest Money Dish...

Join our community of empowered women and stay informed about the latest financial insights, inspiring stories, and exclusive offers.

Step 1

The Introductory Meeting

The introductory meeting is our chance to learn more about each other and determine if we’re a good fit.

We’ll share who we work best with, what you can expect from the BRAG team, and how we foster long-term relationships that often lead to “clients for life.”

Step 2

Live With Intention, Not by Default

In this step, we explore what your money needs to do for you.

Retire early and travel the globe? Spoil your grandkids? Pay for college? Not be a burden on your children?

We ask insightful questions to clarify your goals and inspire you to live with intention, not by default.

Step 3

Financial Foundations Meeting

In this meeting, we provide a “strengths and weaknesses” analysis of your financial situation. We educate you on the financial tools used, important financial concepts, and how your financial plan “thinks.”

Perhaps most importantly, it’s an opportunity for us to learn about your experience with money and identify your “money scripts.” Money is emotional and understanding how you “feel” about money is just as important as your financial acumen.

Step 4

Strategy Meeting

In this meeting, we will present various financial strategies to maximize your financial resources. We’ll examine the pros and cons of each strategy and present our formal recommendations.

Based on the complexity of your situation, multiple strategy meetings may be required. We may also need to consult with other professionals (accountants, attorneys) to ensure we’re all rowing in the same direction. 

We’ll leave no stone unturned as we build out a realistic, actionable financial roadmap.

Step 5

Implementation Meeting

Implementation is where the rubber meets the road. We don't just tell you what you need to do; we help you do it.

We take what seems to be an impossible, confusing quagmire of financial to-dos and make it simple and easy to work through. Clients love this.

Step 6

Ongoing Support and Accountability

Our commitment to you doesn't end with “Implementation.” 

Ongoing support and accountability are vital to your long-term success. We monitor your progress, provide continuous guidance, and adjust your plan as your circumstances change. 

This isn’t about a financial plan; it’s about financial planning.
